By Ilona Andrews
Book Three in the Kate Daniels series.
You'd think by now Kate would have learned how to stay out of trouble. Keep to herself. Stay below the radar like she's supposed to. But no. Instead, she gets herself in Derek's and Jim's issues. Derek, being nineteen, has a girl-related issue. The issue being that the human girl in question is part of a fighting group at the Midnight Games, a preturnatural fighting tournament that the Pack is completely forbidden from entering. And the rest of her team is probably not human, were, or anything else that simple or easy to deal with. And then they attack Derek and pretty much shred him.
So, obviously it's Kate's problem too, and of course she can't tell Curran about this, because then he would have to kill Jim, and probably Derek (if the aformentioned attack made him go loup) and the rest of Jim's team. And he'd have to do this because it's his job and they couldn't just tell him about these issues and instead pretty much went AWOL. You can just tell that this will go brilliantly, can't you.
Ah, Kate. I do love her, but she has no sense of self-preservation. I swear she and Curran actually enjoy beating their heads together over issues that could be resolved easily if anyone could actually keep their head long enugh to try diplomacy or logic. I really love Ilona Andrews. Great plots, great characters, brilliantly sarcastic humor, and some really bloody violence. What more can you ask for? The next one in this series comes out soon and I am pretty much climbing the walls waiting for it. AS always, love the book, love the author, love the series. Read it.
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