Wednesday, February 17, 2010


By Robin Mckinley

In Sunshine's world, vampires, weres, and demons are a fact of life, even for a baker. But when Sunshine heads out to the lake by her home, she doesn't expect what happens. She doesn't expect to be captured by vampires, taken to an old house by the lake, and chained in a ballroom with one. When she helps him escape with her she does two things that have never before been done: protect a vampire from sunlight, and escape from them. Sunshine's life may not ever be the same, but she will still show up every morning at four thirty to make cinnamon rolls, muffins, Bitter Chocolate Death, and Sunshine's Killer Zebras. Unless of course she is being held prisoner by vampires, in the custody of the S.O.F. after staking a vampire with a table knife (supposedly not possible), or facing down the evil leader of the gang of vampires that took her prisoner. I love Sunshine, with her crazy life, facination with Others, hundred and one recipes, and her matter-of-fact attitude about everything that happens to her. Her world is completely believable and awesome. Vampire fans- get it, read it, love it. Robin Mckinley is one of my absolute favorite authors.


  1. Robin McKinley has alway been one of my favorite authors, but vampires are really not my cup of tea. Imagine my dismay when I realized this book was about (0h gross!) vampires! Still... I decided to keep on reading, and, soon enough, I was completely caught up in the story. I almost forgot it was about vampires because it also seemed to be about finding ones self and how to relate to the world and how to discover the boundaries and extensions of who you are.
    I hated for this book to end. oh PLEASE tell me there is a sequel!

  2. I'm not sure if there is a sequal. If there is I dont know about it, but there really should be one. If you find out there is a sequal PLEASE tell me as soon as you can.

  3. And what do you have against vampires?

  4. I would love to go to Charlie's and try something of Sunshine's.

  5. I just recently found out that there is not going to be a sequel. :( Oh, well, it's a good book anyway.

  6. Yes, Charlie's does sound good... especially the muffins :)
    What makes you so sure there will be no sequel?!
    I don't have any thing against vampires except that things that are popular get on my last nerve... !
    Even saying that, Robin's storytelling made a good story even out of vampires :)

  7. Mom went on this website and Robin Mckinley said that she wasn't going to do a sequel.

  8. As for Charlie's, what I really wan't to try are the Cinnamon Rolls as Big as Your Head, the Bitter Chocolate Death, and Sunshine's Killer Zebras. And maybe Sunshine's Eschatology.
