Sunday, March 28, 2010

Serendipity Market

By Penny Blubaugh

At the end of the world, in the house with the witch's-hat roof, Mama Inez watches the signs and the tilt of the earth. Sometimes the earth tilts off its path. When this happens, Mama Inez sends out ten invitations, and the plans for the Serendipity Market begin. Today the earth is tipping, and so it is time for the Serendipity Market. Come to the Indwelling as the stories are told. There are nine tonight, a good number. Maybe you've heard something like them before. Maybe you can name them. Tam Lin, The Elves and the Shoemaker, The Princess and the Pea, Cinderella. There are more, of course. Four stories won't balance the earth. Come inside and listen to them all as the night goes on. Welcome to the Serendipity Market.
This book is wonderful, smooth and peaceful. You have heard the stories before, but probably not this way. Listening to the different characters as they tell their stories is lovely, and it feels like someone is telling you all the stories, and also the story of the Serendipity Market.


  1. Your description of this is lovely. I think I will read this after I finish Ivy, which I am enjoying.

  2. the authors name looks like it's spelled blublahg.

  3. Yeah, and on the cover of the book is was written in CURSIVE!! It's like they don't want you to know who wrote it or something.
