Friday, January 15, 2010

Skulduggery Pleasant

By Derek Landy

When twelve year old Stephanie Edgley attends her uncle's funeral she meets the tall, thin, Skulduggery Pleasant. This marks the beginning of her immersion into a world she never knew existed. Good things about this book, hmm, lets see: living skeletons that throw fire, breaking and entering on multiple accounts, Stephanie herself, magic, many interesting people, monsters, good writing, it's funny, lots of other things. What other things? Read it and find out.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Yeah, Skullduggery is really funny, I don't think anything could puncture his ego. He and Stephanie make quite a pair.

  3. There are actually to more books after this one, but I didn't think that they were as good as this one. I never actually finished the third one, though, and some people might think that they were good.

  4. i loved this book! its so funny! and yes, skullduggery has QUITE the ego!
